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Sion Hill Clifton CLIFTON AVON
Bristol, BS8 4LD
This historic hotel offers views of Brunel s Grade One listed Clifton Suspension Bridge COVID-19 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Advanced cleaning methods and social distancing are a priority in all areas whilst still keeping that true essence of Hotel du Vin. Compulsory hand sanitisation stations. Clear signage and floor markings to support social distancing and directional traffic flow. Acrylic screens in place at service points for staff and guest protection. Lift usage limited to guests travelling together. Socially distanced check-in with screen protection and minimum touch points supports by online registration and payment options. All key cards and remote controls sanitised and placed in outer protectors. Rooms sanitised before arrival and serviced on departure only. Fresh linen towels and amenities replenished on request. Minibar contents removed from rooms and all unnecessary stationary and soft furnishings.
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2 Adults
0 Children
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